Line Of Fire >>>>>>>>>>>>>> You Ruin Me >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This
Runaways>>>>>>>>>>>>Cruel>>>>>>>>>>Did You Miss Me>>>>>>>>Cold>>>>>>>>>>>Teenage Millionaire>>>>>>>>Sanctified>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.Line of Fire>>>>>>>>>>.This so far from whats been released....
Runaways>>>>>>>>>>>>Cruel>>>>>>>>>>Did You Miss Me>>>>>>>>Cold>>>>>>>>>>>Teenage Millionaire>>>>>>>>Sanctified>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.Line of Fire>>>>>>>>>>.This so far from whats been released....
yeah, Runaways is prob the best pop song of the decade, if its not a single...i just.
edit: best pop/rock/electro chorus of the decade lol...u will be humming it for months after u hear it.
yeah, Runaways is prob the best pop song of the decade, if its not a single...i just.
edit: best pop/rock/electro chorus of the decade lol...u will be humming it for months after u hear it.
I want to be sure if Sugar Daddy will make the album, they CAN NOT pay dust to this masterpiece! Lisa's vocals on it and the violin are incredible.