50% online kindness
30% no negativity
20% art in pop culture
Originally posted by iHypeMusic
And in my opinion a song being the most listened to on the radio by AMERICA, is the #1 song over a song with 200,000 purchases on iTunes or 50 million Youtube views.
But Radio is the one main form of music consumption that is
passive. When someone goes to purchase a song on iTunes, it shows they
want the song. When someone goes to play a song on Spotify, it shows they
want to listen to the song. When someone hears a song on radio, it shows what the radio execs have decided to play, what they
think the audience wants and possibly how much money the label has given to the station.
You get songs like Daylight that do really well on radio, but the sales and streaming if anything indicate that people, in fact, didn't really
want the song.