Originally posted by Alexz
I am a conspiracy theories fan. But I actually believe some of them. I have eyes, you know. This war however won't make it far.
I can't lie, conspiracy theories can be hard to shake sometimes.... My history teacher was just saying how many people gravitate towars them because they have difficulty accepting that some catastrophic event could have been carried out under such seemingle simple terms...like a group of terrorist taking out the twin towers. People want to believe something larger at play was going on behind the scenes, leading to the whole speculation that it was an inside job lol....
The most recent theory that caught my attention was some website saying that the Haiti earthquake was a result of some tesla earthquake inducing weapon the U.S had been testing... I hate to say that i believed it for a few hours after reading it
( back on topic) yea i don't see the "war" going much further either. North Korea will come to it's senses or China will help them do it. The only way i see the situation escalating is if South Korea follwoed throught with it's threats and made the North "pay" for what they did....