Originally posted by Vin
Don't get me started on that clip, YoYo.
The bad dialogue. The bad acting. The bad CGI crow petting.
I think I'm still going to see it, too. But I 100% agree with you in that, if you ever expected this film to be some epic masterpiece, you're a bit oblivious, especially considering that Angelina Jolie is the star of the film, after all.
I was cautious when the first teaser came up, and a little bit excited when the official trailer surfaced. But then all this promotion solely focusing on Angelina being the star and so little about everything else, I just slowly lost hope. I always knew it was going to be meh (because most Disney live actions are), especially after Oz, but i always kept an open mind that maybe it was just a promotion strategy similar to Frozen. all the trailers and promo seeming to cover up the fact that it was a cheesy lame movie but then turning out to be quite a good hit.
oh well, I tried, and even if I never thought it would be decent, it's Maleficent and Angelina Jolie and my mom was excited to see it too. it would have been stellar if this did end up being a masterpiece, unfortunately that's not the case. Live action Disney is just a hit-and-a-miss.