Everyone saying it was underwhelming and a non-event are clearly closet virgins.
HOW can it be anything but overwhelming and eventful? The first time I did it when I was 17 I was so nervous I bought a bottle of wine to calm me down (so glad I had a fake ID). The guy, who it was a one night stand with (but I REALLY liked him.... and it turned into a 10 night stand over a 2 year period
), was an Ethiopian top with a massive ****. I stood no chance. I was also a bit stoned so the whole experience is a bit hazy but there was bleeding and
strectched areas
. I didn't want to mention that I was a virgin at the time since he was slightly older but MY GOD holding in the sheer pain was difficult. Seriously, the first time is massive. But society does overrate it in the popularity/social status sense.