Originally posted by KoreanDream
I am SICK of hearing that DV and RTA underperformed when DV went to #4 on the Hot 100 and RTA went to #11. If you seriously want to believe that those two underperformed, then know that B'Day had "Irreplaceable" to give it some longevity, which I suppose either BTINH or EOT could be for 4, but not to that magnitude. But THEN B'Day had tons of promotional singles and Beautiful Liar to boost its sales, and I don't see 4 having either of those things.
That's why I said "compared to what people expected".
My point being, even with those two singles not doing as well as people hoped, the album still sold well. The Re-release with "Beautiful Liar" helped it also, but by that point, B'day had already been certified Double Platinum. 4 may be Beyonce's lowest sales, but with her promoting in the U.S soon./ BTINH video coming out/ and the announcement of other singles, it will probably end up selling rather well.