Originally posted by TheGeoKing
Thank you for being the first person to speak the truth and answer the question. Pokemon fails to win because essentially the game is a recycled experience that is pandering to the lowest common denominator in order to achieve safe commercial success. There is no artistic vision, no interesting gameplay mechanics, no notable story, nothing. That is the reason why it has not won, and that is why it will never be revered in the industry.
Now that this question has been truthfully answered you can close the thread now.
See ya later pokemonsters.
Except Pokémon IS revered by the industry. A game doesn't have to win Game of the Year to be defined as a quality experience, which Pokémon most certainly is. It has endured for over a decade and still is purchased by millions yearly. It fails to win official accolades because the franchise has no desire to innovate greatly—it doesn't want to give a solid formula an unnecessary face lift. Game of the Year rewards are reserved for games on a larger scale than Pokémon, ones that innovate and have grander stories than Pokémon.
You can't exactly drag a game that was initially developed for adolescents. It accomplishes with every new release what it aims to accomplish: giving millions of people
predictable joy. You start out with one of three starter Pokémon, you go and catch more, and you face challenges along the way. I can guarantee you that if Gamefreak decided to throw away what Pokémon is defined by there would be more outrage than accolades for them.