Day 1: Night
Months after the original murder spree of a few teenagers during a camping trip at this exact spot (And several other murder sprees also occurring in the area), a group of people band together to go to the same area and see if they can survive the time there, and if they can find any other slashers within the area to get revenge on their deceased friends from the past.
However, in the abandoned island-camping ground, the group soon discover that the bridge has collapsed behind them due to a faulty support system, leaving them trapped on the island.
The group decides that it's alright, as they already planned to stay on the small island for a week or so already; they figure they'll find a way to get help when they need it.
So, the group begins to unpack their equipment and settle in, but they soon break into small groups and wander around the area, in hopes of learning more about the island and its awful, murder-filled history...
SLASHERS: Begin your discussion of who you would like to kill. After you have finally decided, PM me (in one PM) the person you have decided to kill. Then in a separate PM, send me your conversation that you used to discuss this so I can send it to the tabloid reporter.
THE PSYCHIC: PM me the name of the person you would like to find the identity of.
THE COP: PM me the name of the person you would like to save.
THE TABLOID REPORTER: I will PM you the slashers' conversation (Without their names) once they give it to me.
THE ILLUSIONIST: PM me the two names of people whose fates you would like to switch.
ANY INNOCENT CAMPERS WITH ABILITIES: PM me if you would like to use your power & give me the necessary information / names of what you'll do with it. I wouldn't advise that you do it tonight, because the game has only just begun, but it's up to you. Remember, you can only use this power once in the entire game (Unless the Healer heals your power).
Now, everyone else, relax & enjoy. Try introducing yourselves.