Originally posted by Allie
She basically has a giant mob of angry blacks and annoying SJW white people that think they're "doing the right thing" by participating in a witch hunt.
The herd mentality is pathetic, people are so weak-minded.
Also lots of Nicki fans... I would say Azealia but I don't think she has a great amount of people following her work compared to Nicki. This part became a child thing already...
How haters justify their hate on Iggy: She isn't good, she's racist, she doesn't write her own stuff, she called herself Slave Master, she's a cultural appropriator, she can't freestyle, she's fake trying to be black and all the blah blah blah they can dig.
I just think a lot of people spend a lot of their time on people they don't like, instead of looking for new artists to praise. I hate Azealia Banks and I don't even read anything related to her, I just don't care about her. I was educated enough to learn how to respect people even if I don't like them. But you know, Internet people hate for free... Internet people are those people that say anything they want but never face to face. They aren't just THAT brave, that's why they are stupid.