Originally posted by DownBoy
Why is it ok for black people to use it and white people not? Like, I think nobody should be using it. Is it some internalized, subconscious self-hate thing when black people use it?
Because the word dehumanizes and oppresses their damn humanity, not white people's. Therefore if they want to, and plenty do, they deserve the right to take the power of the word and use it. The alternative is cowering from it, pretending it doesn't exist, and then the open racists will hold all power over the word when they use it. It has nothing to do with damn self-hate.
White people who think they know how black people should react to oppression when they've never experienced this are the worst.
Originally posted by WeFoundTrouble
Who cares, he's hot
plus black people just want to be offended by something all the time. Report me if you want but I really don't care, I am black. I know what the real issues are, and this isn't one of them.
Read a damn book.