Originally posted by Tutankhamun
I can't say it's real or not but in my personal experience, all the self-proclaimed bisexual men turned out to be gay and only f***ing guys. It almost seems like a camouflage of their homosexuality. That being said, I believe real bisexuals exist (especially girls) but the percentage would be much lower than we expect because I do believe a lot of gays are just faking it.
That's because the actual bisexual men tend to stay in the closet out of fear of being labeled gay or grouped with those "bi first, gay later" men. I strongly believe that there are just as many bisexual men as bisexual women, but you only really ever hear about bi women because we at least feel somewhat safe to come out. Bisexual men do not have that, because 95% of the time they are only ever met with negative reactions. The amount of bisexual men in the closet must be astronomical.