Originally posted by popstar
I would like to know too.
"Social Justice Warriors" aren't a political party or something, what's your point?
Everyone who supports minority rights/rights of those who don't care about those made up social standards is a SJW, this also includes your gay rights. In fact, the so called SJW are pretty much the only one who even care about your gay rights. But let's talk about "SJW" because I really want to know who they are? You guys are bashing them hard lately which in my opinion is funny because this whole Anti-SJW thing is just right wing propaganda or pretty much the sht that our Nazis are saying.
Tumblr is just like ATRL so that doesn't count. "SJW" on Tumblr are just a bunch of teens who need a new box/group to feel better and stronger in society (same like the gay community, "white straight men", feminists and the new american hit: cis-gender or whatever that is
). They aren't representative for Social Justice just like the right wing f. on Atrl or the so called gay community aren't representative for every gay.
And it's funny when I hear sht like "NWO" just because Obama wants to get a rid of the guns. You people shouldn't have guns because you americans are all crazy as fck. The only country in the world that supports guns for their citizens and the western country with the most crimes. Whats next? And then you guys wonder why nobody likes you. Maybe because you are a danger to the world? And your christians are giving every christian in the world a bad name? And your gay community is the worst and most annoying and racist gay community in the entire world? The list goes on. Talking about gays. Nobody likes you and you are all a part of a minority yet you support right wing propaganda against SJWs, Muslims when those right wing people hate you gays even more than anything else.
I personally support muslims, refugees and i couldn't care less. It's sad that so many gays choose to be on the other side but yeah. I definitely know what I want support in the future even though I'm gay too. This community isn't just hated by the right wingers, even the left wingers are starting to hate you gays. And I see why.