Uhh... weekly catchy line time...
We have a "new national anthem" called "love is life" which will get people through all the "sorrow" when the "enemies" "kill the day" "when it is raining". So let me get my shotgun "loaded" and then "get out the door". My shotgun is "all I need", or "so I thought" but then I realized that I "left out all the rest" of my stuff in the "navi taxi", but "I Don't Care" and will not "let you" and your "violent heart" get away.
"Come all you weary" while I take back my "handlebars" stolen from me (reference to last week).
Later on, I get them back and scream "Hell Yeah!" I "rose above this". Then I say to myself, "Viva La Vida".
Not quite as catchy as last week's but they all can't be amazing lol
I'm not crazy about "loded"