The videos I have seen so far, besides technical problems, which clearly aren't her fault, and some crap vocals in 'The Edge Of Glory' (but that was the 23rd song, so it was understandable), have me more than impressed with the tour. I don't really understand the complaints.
She dances, the outfits are all good besides the BTW one, her vocals are on point, the new coreographies are good, the stage and the lights look better in the arena, she performs a lot of songs to make everyone happy so it's understandable that she has to cut up some parts (the only part I would love to hear is the final 'Americano' part, the rest... ). That hologram thing and the plot seem amazing, too. And you can't say she doesn't dance enough when most of her contemporaries barely move on stage while serving crappy vocals, while she dances her ass off on 2/3 of the setlist while delivering impressive vocals and an interesting plot, which others' tours often lack.