Originally posted by Child of Destiny
Ok Jonathan, Ms. Kelly is the biggest flop era of Kelly, I mean at least Here I Am has a Platinum single in the US, and three Top10 singles in the UK with a "Commander" selling more than 300k, an the album sold more than Ms. Kelly too. Ms. Kelly has sold like 250k WW, is such a mess, HIA at least has sold like 300k between the US and UK.
Ummm, you're WAY off there.
Here I Am was more local an era than Ms. Kelly.
Ms. Kelly WW sales are 1,200,000. The US sales are around 270,000.
Like This and Work were BIG successes. Work is one of Kelly's biggest worldwide hits.
Here I Am has barely sold 200,000 in the US. It doesn't hold a PATCH to Ms. Kelly, sales wise.
Down For Whatever was a MODERATE hit in a few EU countries.
The only country Here I Am was top 40 in was US. It was #43 in the UK.
Here I Am (the ALBUM) has sold poorly outside of the US. There was little worldwide push after Commander.
Here I Am was great in the US with the success of Motivation, but that was it. It was her most local era.
The combined WW sales of Ms. Kelly album and the hit singles, Like This, Work and Daylight (was top 20 here), that surpasses the 1,200,000 of Here I am and Motivation sales combined