This may sound dumb I think the order that they perform in has a huge impact on the votes. It's no coincidence that they always put the best performances towards the end when the viewers are most likely watching. The people who go first are in trouble because a lot of people probably don't realize it's on, and the show will have their full attention in the 8:30-10 area. If Deandre was near the last few performers, he probably would of went thru. If Jermaine Jones went first, I don't know if he would be in.
This may sound dumb I think the order that they perform in has a huge impact on the votes. It's no coincidence that they always put the best performances towards the end when the viewers are most likely watching. The people who go first are in trouble because a lot of people probably don't realize it's on, and the show will have their full attention in the 8:30-10 area. If Deandre was near the last few performers, he probably would of went thru. If Jermaine Jones went first, I don't know if he would be in.
That's a widely known fact lol. That's why the first spot is referred to as the "death spot" and the last spot is the "pimp spot". Those that perform last are almost never eliminated.
That's from Thia Megia FB. IDK if she only made that one up. But it could be true I guess since if you sum it all up :96.9. Hence, the rest of the 15 contestants only comprised a total of 3.1%.