Things will work out, eventually, y'all just need to calm the F*CK down and wait. She can't do much as it is anyway, and she obviously doesn't want to be with Sony until she's not tied up with Luke. If i were to be in her position, I wouldn't run back to Sony since that's weak and makes her look bad. She's a strong f*cking woman, she's not going to crawl back to Sony, she has a TON of support. We just have to wait for the court dates, which obviously a long long process, but we just got to stick with her and wait it out. I'm seriously over people saying 'Oh she should just do this' or 'she should just do that', like shut up already. This is how it's turned out, this is how she's done it, and this is how it's going to happen. Sick with the fandom and support her, or GTFO. You're either IN or you'e OUT, it's as simple as that!!