Originally posted by Fantasea
But just because she had no ill intentions doesn't mean it isn't a ****ed up, stupid, transphobic song I don't know why it's so hard to admit your fav does stupid stuff sometimes. I don't think Kesha is transphobic in the slightest, but this is such a weak excuse. The creation of the song is just ignorant at best
Um because it's literally not transphobic at all? The subject of the song isn't a trans person, he's a feminine male. At best it's shaming men who are in touch with their feminine side.
Why take it so literally when it's obviously a satirical song? Last time I checked trans people don't identify as having "manginas" anyway.
I could understand if she called him a tranny or something but y'all SJWs are always trying to flip something harmless into the worst thing in the world.