I really love Ana. She has a very unique play style and I'm glad the support category will be even more versatile. The support heroes so far are kind of easy to use but Ana requires more skill and I like that.
Her skins are amazing
Nnnnnn the first week is going to be a mess. I'll probably be apart of it though.
I like that you can shoot without scoping. There's a chance for us that aren't too good with Widowmaker.
Non-scoped shots are absolute trash though from what I've gathered from playing on PTR for a little bit. She's definitely not someone you want to do close combat with unless you're putting someone to sleep.
D.Va's ult change was everything I wanted! It can finally do something now! I hope they stick with it for the actual game.
I still feel like 200 is a lot for zenyatta but we'll see.
I played with low leveled friends yesterday so they matched me with low level players and my god were they annoying. They always go Reinhardt+Bastion+2 Torbjorns+Mercy+Genji/Hanzo. Like.. it wasn't fun playing with the same exact team comp every time. And yes, we dragged their asses through hell and back because they don't know how to play for ****.