but yeah I just finished watching her lil Facebook rant and she's talking as if someone secretly recorded her discussing politics when she literally publicised all of this. She knew emotions were high so the trolling was just uncalled for and I don't think she gets that. As for people calling her mentally unstable, sis they're just rationalising your erratic behaviour so she should've just taken that and RAN with it (I mean she IS bipolar and I used that as a reason for her behaviour a ton of times here to defend her and people actually sympathised). She knows that a very small minority of us (including me to an extent up to now) were 100% here for her opinions, beliefs, thoughts, rationales etc (she can be SO interesting sometimes). So why publicise it to 700,000+ people?
I still don't understand what her siblings are doing; how can you just allow the amount of abuse your own flesh and blood gets for the sake of freedom of expression? Buy her a diary and let her go crazy (no pun intended). Didn't her mom supposedly get angry with her about the Zayn thing? Like? If Azealia was my sister I wouldn't have allowed her to get NEAR a wifi connection. Like this is so ridiculous and tiring and to be honest she's even regressed musically with Slay Z.
I know I say this a ton of times and the fact that I'm still here, in her base, is probably ironic (but I'm mainly here to speak to all of you since we don't have the Blogs anymore) but I think I'm ready to cut the cord. I've been here for her since 2012 and it used to be easy to just "ignore her and focus on the music" but when the music starts lacking, that's a sign. I wish her the best of luck and I really hope she finds a different outlet for this excess energy and frustration she seems to have. And that she stops looking at things so... microscopically and just focuses on the more important things in life, like her health, happiness, her near & dear etc.
I'm writing all of this pretending she'll read this
Idk, I just wanted to throw my 2 cents in!