March will be easy for me to get through because (hopefully) we should be getting primadonna and then there are 3 albums I am looking forward to (of course they are at the end of the month ). The last month leading into the album is always the hardest. Especially when we get snippets, reviews, etc. Hopefully my busy schedule and new music will hold me over in April.
I'm just excited at the fact that we have the album so we can blast it all through summer (I know what I'll be playing once I go home for college in my car). I'm just worried that I'll listen to it too much and it'll distract me from studying for my finals.
Guys someone sent me an anonymous message on tumblr saying to google "giga musick Marina"
the website says
Die erste Single ist bereits im Oktober erschienen, “Radioactive” ist ein elektro-getriebener Pop-Track. Als nächstes wird “Primadonna” ausgekoppelt, kommt ab dem 9. März in die Radios, käuflich erwerben kann man die Single ab dem 20. April 2012
Google translates that to:
The first single was released in October, "Radioactive" is an electro-driven pop track. Next, "Prima Donna" decoupled, comes from the 9th March in the radio, you can acquire by purchase the music from the 20 April 2012