I wish Hikari did not have such a wide forehead and Takeru looking like a closeted power bottom twink. The character designs were really inconsistent after the first season.
sorry guys what does the latest trailer say? we'll have the first 3 episodes on 11/21 , 11/28 and 12/5 and then they'll release the DVD/BR of the first one on 12/18 ? what's gonna happen during the October dates they listed at the very end?
They're 6 OVAs, not episodes, the first one is set to premiere on November 21 in Japan and will be released on DVD on December 18
2 was not that bad. The only thing that sucked was the new kids b!tching about not wanting to hurt the digimon at the start and Patomon and Gatomon being weakend so they did not over power the villains
Yeah it was pretty lame they didn't let Gatomon and Patamon reach their potential. They were basically fodder. Such a shame.
Season one and two were my favourite (childhood memories). I never watched season three as a child, but I tried watching it this week and I couldn't get past the first episode Is season three any good?
Season one and two were my favourite (childhood memories). I never watched season three as a child, but I tried watching it this week and I couldn't get past the first episode Is season three any good?
I watched it like last week. Its nice but not that great.
Season one and two were my favourite (childhood memories). I never watched season three as a child, but I tried watching it this week and I couldn't get past the first episode Is season three any good?
Season 3 is generally considered the best among fans.