Originally posted by vonno
aww that sucks. stupid rain! Hope u enjoyed the 5.5 songs
Originally posted by MJ Boston
Sorry to hear. At least you got 5.5 songs!!! Better than a cancellation altogether I guess..
Originally posted by rivers
That red shirt/leopard print skirt is a mess but the combo she wore on stage was cute.
Sorry to hear that Mr. Know It All. At least it was free.
Originally posted by Nerevanin
Aww, rain can be really stupid sometimes. I feel sorry for you Mr. Know It All. But still @ Kelly keeping singing in that awful weather.
Originally posted by e437
I'm sorry for what happened. Still, they did that to keep the fans safe I think.
Originally posted by jpsketch
Aw, I feel bad for everyone who was there last night.
Originally posted by JClarkSTAN
Sorry MKIA. That must suck.
Thanks, y'all.
The rain was absolutely awful. The streets around the parking lot (the concert was held in a large parking lot) were flooded with three to, in some parts, six inches of water—a few steps were up beyond my ankles. The police actually were the ones that called off the show, and Microsoft said it couldn't be rescheduled.
Part of me wishes it hadn't been free, because then the show
would have been rescheduled or, at the very least, refunded—I can't exactly get back the time I spent waiting all day.
But, on the other hand, Microsoft did give out tons of free stuff, and we did get to hear 5.5 songs, so it wasn't a total waste. Plus, the whole store opening was really quite exciting, and exactly because it was spontaneous, surprisingly extravagant, and free.
And say what you will about these Microsoft store openings, but it was actually extremely fun (up until it rained—that was an awful bummer). I'm glad she does them, because they're really a blast (when it doesn't rain).