I'm Your Jesus Tonight; Whitney's first number one for the 90s was a clear attempt to go back to her soulful roots and to shut down criticisms about her "acting too white" or "selling out." It is a fun ditty with a video clip that pays homage to those who came before her and inspired her as a singer (including The Supremes, Motown, and the Harlem Renaissance --along with a tribute to Audrey Hepburn).
With ten scores of a TEN and one ELEVEN, the song is definitely loved by those who voted. A couple of haters tried to stop it from making the top ten, but they did not succeed. For conatus this is "a rare moment of excellence in her discog. The way her voice suited upbeat songs so much but she was resigned to first dance song fodder for the majority of her career <"
While I sort of wish it had made it higher than others, I'm pretty satisfied with its ranking.
From the second you touched me I was ready to die
11 gaga casanova
10 feelslike adream
10 That Bad Eartha
10 jdmc218
10 dcode78
10 pearlmercury
10 Luminescent
10 alkralkra
10 Latinazza
10 conatus
10 Vilppu
9.5 Valentine
9.5 fememeist
9.5 KasioKas
9 Ivory.
9 Rocket
9 Achilles
9 MP2K
8.75 Dontwantfun
8.5 Supaspaz
8 Stoned Soul Picnic
7 TheWay WeWere
7 Kool Aid King
7 UnusualBoy
6.5 Nightingale
6 Satan
5 Reverie
4 Quicksand
3 thispussy
1 Dylobs
0 Blue Timber Wolf