This isn't eaxactly the same thing but there's also a wierd piece of string that gets dragged away in the last bed scene. It's on the floor on the right hand side and you see it get tugged out of the picture
I will review it, the video is *good*, original, no. Groundbreaking, no. Exppensive, yes.
- I love all the outfits changes
- I love the dancing
- I find absolutely RIDICULOUS when the 2 woman force the loon to drink vodka, what the ****
- She looks so creepy as a loon, I love that
- Obviously a rip-off of many... Rammstein, Marilyn Manson, the obvious pop divas, etc
- The song is good, a little too long, and when she starts screaming at the end, not pleasant, but I'm sure a Radio Edit will do
Overall, I'm glad Gaga did an expensive video because I think it can motivate other "video acts" such as Madonna and Britney to stop making cheap disasters as "videos".
= 73,085,113 in less than a month, and that's just counting the official accounts videos and the vevo version, there's still countless uploads of it on personal accounts