While I love E=MC2 for many different reasons....I thought MOAIA made E=MC2 look weak, but MIAMTEC makes it look basic by comparison. I think that MIAMTEC draws from previous works, but also resembles Butterfly or a re-worked Charmbracelet to me.
It I go to Walmart at midnight will they give me the album ?
I work for Walmart. They may or may not have it on the shelves at midnight because they stock overnight, but if you ask for it nicely, I don't see why they couldn't be able to get it for you..
I work for Walmart. They may or may not have it on the shelves at midnight because they stock overnight, but if you ask for it nicely, I don't see why they couldn't be able to get it for you..
If they won't give it to me I'll be like ummm the release date is 5.27 hello
Got my Pre-Order on iTunes, will be downloading tonight at Midnight!!!!....I've listened to the album like a million times over, but like a Loyal Lamb--I will make my purchase first thing tonight at Midnight!