I didn't give a **** about Lana Del Rey when she first came out, I thought there was nothing special about her and that her popularity would fade away eventually because people would get tired of her eventually or they only liked her to say they liked somebody before they reached success, BUT...
I'm listening to Born To Die now, and this album is s0oOo0oOo0oO amazing and I'm getting chills. I still don't like Born To Die (song) which is why it had taken me a while to get into to her, because that's the song everybody hyped up, but I'm listening to Carmen now and getting my life. dshrjwehrds;z;dfrewrht4j5khridhewe;wfdsjefhdjhfdjf dhfds SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD
My opinion of her has drastically changed the past few weeks, it's almost embarrassing.