I thought it was time to share you guys this, even though it's very negative:
I can't tie shoes.
I can't swim.
I can't ride a bike.
I have scoliosis.
I am only living right now because of music.
I have only one friend that uses me. He can't really be considered a friend, but he's the only person at school I have to talk to.
I am only good at math, every thing else I suck at.
I have terrible vision.
These are only a few negative things about me, however there are a lot more.
thats so sad,
but hey theres so much good things on you too, like :
you're still Alive ( i always thank God, for that, b cos it means we still have a chance to fix any mistaken that weve been done before
you can go here, playing on internet while the other people didnt even know about internet
you're nice,
and dont forget, youre still young,
dont be sad
just be closer with God, then you will feel much better