Originally posted by letscauseascene1
She really needs to change up her image if she wants to pass the sophomore slump. I think people finally see past the facade of the Lolita look going, and the ponytail NEEDS to go, the whole Schlick with the boots and such need to vanish. The glittery bubble gum pop thing is pretty much dead in the water at this point, so she needs to switch it all up quick if she wants to survive in relevancy to be honest. Everyone is replaceable these days, just my thoughts, though I think the song is massively underrated and didn't deserve to fall this quickly.
The lolita think has to die at this point or she will. Before people thought she was just young and looked her age but by now people are well aware it's intentional and creeped out by it. She needs a total image reinvention. Change the clothes, change the hair, change the songs (no more Focus), just change everything at this point. If her team was smart they'd have her disappear for around a month and then around March at the Iheartradio awards come with a new look and new song.
She has a lot of potential, a huge fanbase and with the right song could become an a list global star. The fact that they chose Focus as her lead shows they're not really thinking long term with her. They stuck to the same ol' same ol' from her in terms of lyrics, production etc and it honestly sounds like something a novelty act would throw out. Just a mess.