Originally posted by Kevinkdc
I know for sure that this is going to be a HAC smash but I'm worried how well it will do on pop and hot 100. This is to weak for a lead single imo. I still love the song but it's still a bit weak. It's a big risk the label took with this song. If the song doesn't do well it will result in low opening sales of the album.
I think this is why I love the song so much. RCA don't take risks. As much as it pains me to say it, I think we have to trust RCA on this one. They must have faith in the song for them to release it. We know they're not just doing it because Kelly wanted it, they are releasing it because they think it has the power to do well, and I agree.
It's not as in your face as SUBG and not as bubblegum pop as MLWSWY, but that's a good thing. I remember when people first heard DYWS they thought it wasn't going to do anything spectacular and look where that ended up. This song needs to be given a chance, we've seen a very positive response the song before it has even been released.