Good morning, folks. Exciting news! I've given the
Games section an overhaul.
List of Finished Games & Winners
Total, complete overhaul here. I moved all the information from that ridiculously incoherent post setup to a true database system. Plus, at long last, you can finally post your own winners! No need to wait around for a moderator to take care of it. You add the info in the text boxes, press the submit button, and it's there.
Album Survivor Reservations
Guess who's back! The new system works just like the new winners system I created. You can post your own reservations, again, without waiting around for anybody else to update it for you. It's all instant. Other members have a link to report any inaccurate reservations, which can be removed by moderators.
This is one of those things I've had in the works for a long time but never actually finished. Until now!
I haven't really done much testing of these features, so you'll need to let me know here if something doesn't work.