5155 - 40 points: wesleywalrus
5200 - 25 points: wesleywalrus
5241 - 30 points: Marvin
5316 - Unit Switch: dwuw
5399 - 25 points: Guero
5425 - 30 points: URBAN (actually Kitt but she ain't a contestant)
5490 - 45 points: Serendipity
5532 - Unit Switch: Serendipity
5607 - 35 points: Satan
5783 - Immunity: Satan (actually Serendipity, but he already won twice)
5981 - 35 points: Marvin (actually Serendipity, but he already won twice)
Thanks for participating.
Serendipity and dwuw, both of you need to tell me which unit you want to join and who you want to replace.
You can also go to the green unit!