Some of you might not believe but I do, maybe not iluminattis but I believe in people who has sold their lives to satan, my dad used to know a guy who sold his life to Satan and he used to have everything he wanted my dad himself saw it, he told me that he used to say to his friends "I will whistle and your sister will be here right now" and he did it and that guy's sister appeared, once he cross the city in the middle of the rain there was only one way to cross from one city to another it was by crossing the bridge but in that time the bridge went down because of that terrible rain there was no way he could cross but that guy did it with his bicycle and he could make appear things, people, all the women he wanted from the city,
When my dad was my age (14) he was in the same room with satan (don't believe me if you don't want) my dad is not from the capital of Peru, he is from another city, they practice satanism alot there, my dad used to live with a family there, he never practiced it but the family he used to live with, used to practiced it and once they invoked him when he was about to sleep so my dad heard his voice he told me that he smells like sulfur and his voice is very deep, this family used to ask Satan for favours and they used to invoke him alot to talk to him now I don't remember what kind of things they asked him, but my dad has saw him and it's not very cute
So if you don't want to believe in the iluminatti is okay, but satan exist and you can give him your soul and he will give you anything you want, but my dad would never do that.
Also in my family are witches, my mom used to tell me that my grandma was one of them and also my aunt, black magic exist, you can do alot of things, my aunt was a powerful one from what I have heard, my dad used to have a protection with him, maybe I will upload a picture of it, because I used to own it, I stole it from my dad because I used to play that I was Sakura Card Captors
well my dad use that protection because there is alot of people who wanted him to fail because he used to have a lot of money but he lost it, so a curandera (chaman or shaman) gave him that.