Member Since: 6/3/2006
Posts: 51,724
Originally posted by £100
Kim. Paris's face is gross.
1. without deductions; total, as the amount of sales, salary, profit, etc., before taking deductions for expenses, taxes, or the like ( opposed to net): gross earnings; gross sales.
2. unqualified; complete; rank: a gross scoundrel.
3.flagrant and extreme: gross injustice.
4.indelicate, indecent, obscene, or vulgar: gross remarks.
5.lacking in refinement, good manners, education, etc.; unrefined.
6.large, big, or bulky.
7.extremely or excessively fat.
8.thick; dense; heavy: gross vegetation.
9.of or concerning only the broadest or most general considerations, aspects, etc.
10.Slang . extremely objectionable, offensive, or disgusting: He wore an outfit that was absolutely gross.
Fail to see any of those points in this beautiful woman.
You just made Miss Hilton laugh.