-Searching (5-1000 SB)
-Daily Polls (1 SB a day)
-NOSO (2 SB a day)
- Download the toolbar in the 'tools' section(1 SB a day)
-Click the videos on the main page, you don't have to watch them (1-10 SB per video)
-Daily Bonus. If you reach the daily goal of SB then you get extra bonus SB (8-300+ SB)
-Refer people to SB and everytime they get points for search, you get the same amount of points (This is about 170 of my SB)
-Lie and say that your birthday is tomorrow. You get an email saying happy bday and you have to click claim code for it to work (50 SB)
-Sometimes there are codes for a few SB. You can find them at
http://sc-s.com/ (1-10 SB)