You got: 37 - 40
You're on the fringes of Generation X. You're not totally out of touch with the pop scene, but you still can't understand why every song on the radio sounds like inaudible falsetto mumbling.
You got: 37 - 40
You're on the fringes of Generation X. You're not totally out of touch with the pop scene, but you still can't understand why every song on the radio sounds like inaudible falsetto mumbling.
You got: 37 - 40
You’re on the fringes of Generation X. You’re not totally out of touch with the pop scene, but you still can’t understand why every song on the radio sounds like inaudible falsetto mumbling.
You got: 37 - 40
You’re on the fringes of Generation X. You’re not totally out of touch with the pop scene, but you still can’t understand why every song on the radio sounds like inaudible falsetto mumbling.
You got: 27 - 31
You’re a real deal millennial. You remember tapes, CDs, life before the internet. You watched the rise of the iPod and you lived on LimeWire, but you’ve successfully adapted to the streaming world, even if it seems a little false to not actually own any of your music.
You got: 37 - 40
You’re on the fringes of Generation X. You’re not totally out of touch with the pop scene, but you still can’t understand why every song on the radio sounds like inaudible falsetto mumbling
You got: 27 - 31
You’re a real deal millennial. You remember tapes, CDs, life before the internet. You watched the rise of the iPod and you lived on LimeWire, but you’ve successfully adapted to the streaming world, even if it seems a little false to not actually own any of your music.
You got: 27 - 31
You’re a real deal millennial. You remember tapes, CDs, life before the internet. You watched the rise of the iPod and you lived on LimeWire, but you’ve successfully adapted to the streaming world, even if it seems a little false to not actually own any of your music.
Not actually that old but okay.
i'm 19 and this description applies to me I have tapes from when i was younger, CD singles and a CD player, always used limewire and had about 4 different ipods over the years
You got: 32 - 36
You’re an “old millennial” and you just can’t seem to get behind streaming as the primary method of listening to music. You probably still have a CD player in your car.
the last question was really hard I don't find The Beatles, Brit, Madge or Bey overrated