Her piercing dramatic eerie vocals in "Cold Case Love">>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
The "i don't really give a ****" part in Rockstar 101>>>>>>>>>
The "yep u know this " in Hard>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
The I'm drunk and i don't care vibe I get from "Photographs" >>>>
ewwwwww.... no.... if she does i can't listen to it. Rated R was... not too "ghetto" but like the style and sound she chose just didn't do anything for me. her best work for me was Loud.
Let's be honest. Even if she crapped her pants she would NEVER be able to top Rated R's quality and dark theme after the ******** she's been doing this era. Just no. Stick to the dance album with Guetta, girl.
I think i'll be forever the only one that dislikes Rated R era ... Even the singles chart was weak
I thought I was the only one. I understand it came out after an emotional period in her life and reflects her mindset then. Overall, I think Rated R is a solid album but the dark tone isn't my cup of tea.
"Rated R" is a solid album, but it stands better as its own body of work. Her fans deserve something new. Artists need to progress, even if that album was considered her best.
"Rated R" is a solid album, but it stands better as its own body of work. Her fans deserve something new. Artists need to progress, even if that album was considered her best.
That would be fantastic, it's her best album. If she doesn't care about hits but about quality then she must do it but her label only cares about hits so it will never happen.