Yours Truly is a simply cute album debuting atop of the Billboard 200 making history, Ariana proved that she can make an album and not be a one hit wonder. Yours Truly is a blend of old school R&B that rivaled Mariah circa 90's while she infused a bit of her own unique sound. Standouts on the album include her smash hit The Way along with the Baby I and the simply beautiful Tattooed Heart. My only criticism is i wish she would adopt a more mature and sort of her own style... less Mariah more Ariana
This is maybe Kayne's most overrated rushed album to date it maybe my least favorite but i cant deny one thing.. The cover; the cover is everything how you can sell an album without a cover is crazy but Yezzy has no problem doing it. I will say Black Skinhead and Blood On The Leaves maybe some of Kayne's greatest work but other than that the album is a non event...
Cool countdown so far. Love that Red and Walking on Air are on the singles list. I love playing Black Skinhead as loud as I can in the car. That beat>>>>>