ok my bag:
What's in it:
100 potions that can transform into objects
100 potions that can transform into any possible human that has ever been alive
100 potions that enable any form of growth
and 1 potion that can exponentially expand any of these potions and even other things
all the above potions are the size of american pennies and only I know the way to use them and no one else. I stored these potions, which are the weight of a 2" feather in a container that can only be opened by my hands and remains constantly fresh as the day the potions were placed in. It is also magnetized to my hand so if it gets seperated, the force is strong enough to always be around me
I also have in my bag my Zune/headphones
Edit: the bag is the max size in the picture. in a turn of a snap, it attaches to a special spot on my body and is the size of a skin cell and is also magnetized to my body and weighs the same as a 1" feather.