Him comparing an album released in 2005 sale climate, put on iTunes, physically available, with a #1 hit backing it, and promotion to an album in 2016 sales climate only available on his site after being downloaded illegally for 2 months.
The level of delusion on this site sometimes. Bless.
People don't understand that comparing sales figures over a decade doesn't work.
Imagine what the numbers would have looked like if he actually immediately made the album available for streaming across all platforms instead of keeping Pablo as a Tidal exclusive for more than a month
I don't really see many other artists capable of doing this.
We're going to be saying this in a few weeks, just replace "Pablo" with "Views From The 6" and "Tidal" with "Apple Music."
even the debut numbers with streams is pretty tragic... 94k ?
We are used to only focusing on the first week I know, but that makes no sense with streaming. That's just way more stable over weeks / months than sales.