the stage looked so amazing when she was peforming EC
the whole stage was rainbow and she was in a little light box full of judas cross symbols with gutair player
STAGE: 9/10 (10, if there was more lightning and color like in EC)
SETLIST: 8/10 (She performed all old songs and BTW songs, I wanted her to, though some should be scrapped)
Why are the outfits getting such a low rating? the gun bra, the meat dress, the latex, the ram mask?
It kicks the MB's outfits to the curb (except for the living dress)
Why are the outfits getting such a low rating? the gun bra, the meat dress, the latex, the ram mask?
It kicks the MB's outfits to the curb (except for the living dress)
I hated what gaga wore performing BR at the monster ball