Fellow Kelly stans, can we just have a flashback to the epic-ness that was her Because of You performance at the Grammy's in 2006?
Not only was the instrumental gorgeous and her dress stunning, but that note she absolutely destroyed from 2:42 to 2:48 was KILLER! I mean, the audience were already super enthusiastic and responsive to her performance before that, and midway through the note there was this massive surge of cheer from the crowd: they were just slayed by the it! Even watching this online you can feel the energy of the audience was so high. Finally, there was the beautiful head voice at the end to top it all off!
This is what I'm hoping we can get during the next Grammy's. Firstly, I think we all agree that WDKY deserves to be nominated at least! But I wouldn't want her performing it there just because the song is already so big, and I'd really like another gem off Stronger to be recognized and brought to the public eye. If Dark Side does really well this summer then I think she could perform it then. HOWEVER, I think an even better choice would be The Sun Will Rise, because I can see this having a similar impact (and she should definitely slip in one of those high notes somewhere after the bridge). I wouldn't want her performing it as a duet though... Kelly deserves all the limelight if she has another Grammy's performance.