Originally posted by Nialler
Media needs to stop portraying Hungary as the villain. Thank God at least some country is trying to contain the chaos and obeys the law.
HUngary is a far right state, close to being politically undemocratic. Hungary should not be in the EU and by journalists without borders, Italy is also dangerously close to have a state controlled press which is against EU rules and would qualify exclusion.. but since it is a founding member...
people need to understand the german mentality behind the refugees thing.
between 1945/46 12 million German were expelled from annexed German territories. That is deeply burned in our political memory.
1961 the former GDR leader built a wall between East and West Berlin to keep his population from fleeing to the west. Thousands of ppl were shot trying to cross it. Hence, nobody in Germany can understand why another country would repeat that mistake with this ridiculous fence in Hungary.
The Berlin Wall also existed for 29 years. It wasn't a random thing that vanished 3 weeks later. It became the symbol of a torn continent.
Germany was one of the most forceful EU memberstates to push former GUS states to become EU members.
Since WW2 Germany understood that the future of Europe lies in unity and human rights. Seeing countries rejecting that thought is pretty scary as it could - in worst case scenario - lead to situation like the Shoa or more moderated discrimination and political prosecution.