But wait at this turning into a race thread when it's not even about race necessarily.
It's mainly about one group of gay people being the worst offenders of promoting negative stereotypes of others and saying they have a right to do so.
Not people missing that and trying to
A) Say everyone else does it so Gays can too.
B) Claim the "sassy ghetto black woman" stereotype is apart of gay culture and you can act however you want.
Both points are neither here nor there. Take the criticism and learn how to respect people's cultures if you're an offender of this. Promote others not to act like that either. It's flat out ignorant and disrespectful and not funny as some of you think.
If you're going talk about "Everyone should be allowed to act just like any other culture. It's apart of the melting pot!!1!" then start with respecting that culture and accurately portraying it (since you clearly don't have enough of an identity yourself that you need to appropriate and completely water down another's).
And BYE at people arguing over an article's title before even reading the article itself. Some of you bitch over anything. The title is just to get attention (something that should be established as soon as you saw it). That's what titles in media are for whether it's correct or not.