Originally posted by DuaneT
what?! we are getting a professional filmed set?
IDK. I'm asking if there will be. I also doubt it but I really hope we get some. When is that BTW?
Originally posted by UnusualBoy
I can't at her not coming to Mexico,
There was a rumor (I believe) that she was about to perform there. Newspapers made a blind item about her performing there. I believe MikePerry posted it (wherein they used the Loud tour poster.
Or maybe she was underwhelmed the last time she went there (777 tour).
Originally posted by anastayjah
That was her best rendition of Stay.
+1 I am proud that it was in my country.
Originally posted by J@rv$
It was so far and what now as well
How was it? I envy you.
I can buy her CDs but I can't afford to buy those tickets.
What is your take on her Mess Down performance. Most of her vocals (from what I've watched from YT) were good bar MD.