Guys Im thinking of having a Navy Yearbook. Class of 2011. Seeing as that we are in a new year and all we can have something to look back at. Basically a list of our 2011 Memories of Rihanna the Loud era and TTT era. It's like a scrapbook of our favorite performance, tour costume, video etc etc. And you guys can be part of it as well. And also a section for the newbies (most of you) as to what you will and you want for Rih to accomplish in 2012 and then by next year we'll see how right we were.
Guys Im thinking of having a Navy Yearbook. Class of 2011. Seeing as that we are in a new year and all we can have something to look back at. Basically a list of our 2011 Memories of Rihanna the Loud era and TTT era. It's like a scrapbook of our favorite performance, tour costume, video etc etc. And you guys can be part of it as well. And also a section for the newbies (most of you) as to what you will and you want for Rih to accomplish in 2012 and then by next year we'll see how right we were.
-Just an idea.
Great idea. There should also be a section with the best navy quotes.