FYI I'm only 15. I can't have an open relationship yet, everybody's in the closet and I can't flirt with somebody in more obvious ways.
So I'm out to a few friends. During chemistry I sat with a friend at the back of the class talking about her crushes and laughing really hard, any gay's gay radar would go off really hard. Then after a while a guy kept staring at me whenever he got the chance to do it subtly (picking up his bag for example). I thought he was staring at my friend, but after a while it became obvious he wasn't. Thing is, I don't like him. I finally know 99% that somebody is gay and am in the same class with the person (another gay I know which I find kinda cute failed last year and now we're not in the same class anymore
), but I don't want a relationship with that person at all. He's not good looking (perhaps in a year or 4), he doesn't seem nice, etc.
And then there's this straight guy in my class I have a crush on. He has a nice body, has good potential and is just sexy while still being nerdy and friendly. But he's definitly straight, he kinda flirts with girls just a little bit. There's another cutie in my class but he's definitly not reachable, I never talk with him, I never get to make eye contact, eventhough I've never seen him stare at a girl or have an obvious crush.
Like, should I just wait a few years and be extremely lonely for now?
I want to have a relationship already. It's so unfair tbh. Lucky straights can kiss or flirt openly and have sex without anyone minding