Originally posted by trackizmy1
James Cameron would be good since he's really good at angles and graphics and things. If its going to have a storyline then someone else can do it lol.
Let's not when Cameron's known for telling some great stories. The Terminator, T2: Judgment Day, The Abyss, Titanic, and yes, Avatar are his greatest achievements in both storytelling and technological advances. Avatar might've borrowed from other things, but what artist doesn't borrow? The man takes the art of storytelling seriously. He's an engineer, director, artist (he draws some amazing ****; that drawing of Rose in Titantic was actually drawn by him in that scene and he has lots of Terminator drawings), and a storyteller. He even works on History Channel documentaries.
Michael Bay on the hand is known for just throwing in some explosions and CGI everywhere to hide the fact that his movies don't offer much else. He was a music video director before he became a movie director, which is why his movies are always full of ugly quick cuts when action arrives.
Anyway, I think Cameron would enjoy working with Beyoncé a lot. If he's working with BEP on their 3D concert, he'd definitely be cool with our girl Beyoncé.