Member Since: 5/6/2012
Posts: 15,354
Originally posted by dness23
Aubrey is shady as hell, and she's always been that way. I love her, but at times I have found her and her snippy comments and shade unnecessary. It's like she wants people to see the real her and who she really is, but you CONSTANTLY tossing shade out left and right. She can't have it both ways.
As for the album, I do think it was mainly Aubrey and Shannon that pushed for the release, other than the Stereotypes not wanting their work to go to waste and time and money. Dawn is clearly the outsider in the situation, so I can see her being like 'whatever, i tried' blah blah blah...and then she gets on instagram and the first thing she posts is complaining about her vocals being overproduced and noting the songs she wrote and whatnot? SIS. Come on. Her meltdown over the whole thing is ALMOST laughable.
I don't think Aubrey and Shannon and their newfound bestie, sister BS is real either because unfortunately I think Aubrey uses people to gain whatever she needs to gain. Shannon is that person right now because it makes her look innocent, while Shannon stands on her side and they are sis this and sis that, while Dawn has left the damn country and is in China somewhere lol
SO much hope for these girls, but the mess they are is just unbearable.