Nasty Ghetto scores
10 - SupremeGoddess
9.5 - Superiore
9 - Subomie, Ace Reject, prezli
8 - BlueTimberwolf
7.5 - Vilppu
7 -
6 - conatus, X-Dre
5 - Vulps
4 -
3 -
2 - JustLuke
1 -
0 -
I like the vibe on this one but I'm not sad to see it go. I wouldn't call it filler, but it's not a stand-out to me. Originally it was called Jesus Ghetto, about seducing a preacher's son but the girls are good christians so they asked for it to be changed. The production is great on it, but I fear it kind of outshines the girls themselves.
Unbreakable Heart
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Unbreakable Heart scores
10 - Ace Reject
9 - SupremeGoddess
8 - BlueTimbewolf, X-Dre, JustLuke
7 - Superiore, Vilppu, conatus, prezli
6 -
5.5 - Vulps
5 - Subomie
4 -
3 -
2 -
1 -
0 -
My least favourite (non-Girls) track from the album. I see why people like it, but it comes across almost whiny to me and where's the bridge?! Heidi's little pre-chorus whispers are cute though! It's definitely inoffensive, which is why it made it so far, but now it has to die.